Also, today marks one year ago from the day I met D. I would not have imagined we would be preparing for a baby or living in Indy. We don't have any special plans, he's had a rough week at work and I've been pretty lazy and sloth like around the house. Not what most think of when they think "anniversary," but I'm just fine with it.
I've been on strike. I don't mind doing the housework, but I really want D to help get things ready for the baby. I want him to pick the upstairs or downstairs and spend a few hours cleaning and dusting (I'll do the other), hopefully we can get this done this weekend. I also want to do the baby's laundry as I bought the sensitive detergent (Arm & Hammer, it was cheap), wipe down the walls of the nursery and hang the pretty picture we got for her. I got a new memory card for the camera, so I can document this! Yay, pictures! Let's just hope THIS one works!
I learned a hard lesson this week and it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, I had to pay $150 for making a right hand turn (which unbeknownst to me is the minimum traffic fine in Hamilton County). I went to court, the officer did not tell the truth under oath, but I still had to pay the fine. I will elaborate further when I am not so angry.
It's always like this this time of year, when it's dark by the time you get out of work I have such a difficult time to find the motivation to do anything, add on 38 weeks of pregnancy and I'm spent by the time I get home. It is a full moon this weekend (apparently babies are born during full moons), but I am hoping I can have some time to relax and finalize all the preparations and enjoy a fun girls night out (which I desperately need).
How do you handle the winter darkness?
I stress a lot about not being able to contribute to the household as well. It drives my husband nuts, but I just can not help but feel bad, or unsettled about it.
ReplyDeleteYou are getting to the home stretch! I can't wait to hear that you had a precious baby girl. Do you guys have a name picked out? Are you sharing it before she is born?
Getting the last bit of the nursery done must be exciting...we are just starting on ours....
I wish my husband would help a tad bit more around the house, but 2 things, if he does, he never does it how I would do it, and then I have to do it again...and now that I am home and not working, I feel I have no place to complain, at least to him! haha maybe on blogs though!. But I do get very angry when I make things really nice and he takes something out (usually a tool or computer something or other) and then just tosses it where ever he wants..it never goes back. THAT makes me angry and I will say something.
Good luck! I hope you keep us all here updated on your lil miss!
Umm seriously? A RIGHT turn? That's ridiculous!! I can only think of one single scenerio when you aren't supposed to turn right and that is if there is a sign. Even if it's a one-way to a one-way it's legal! That makes me angry and I don't even know what happened. ;)
ReplyDeleteGood luck this weekend and in the next few weeks. A friend of mine had her baby yesterday so maybe it's true what they say about the full moons. Hehe.
I have lived here all my life and I'm still not used to the winter darkness. Given, it used to be better when Indiana never had to switch times (don't even get me started on that). I would say to just be more aware of the actual time. Pretend like it doesn't feel like 10pm (even though it's only 6pm).