The teacher gave us an exercise to do separately of what we envision for our birth, what is important to us, D and I are on the same page regarding how we want the birth to be. I did ask about being induced since my mom will be coming from Milwaukee, however, we both chose to just "let it happen." I am nervous and more anxious as my due date nears, the unknown, the when. However, the excitement and anticipation is something I would like to enjoy while we can.
We learned different relaxation techniques, different "tools" to help relief pain during labor (i.e. medicine ball, tennis ball, massage tools even a painting roller), aroma therapy, and visual aids. Several birthing videos were played and, no joke, the lady running the class told us to go get lunch from the cafeteria and bring it back to the classroom to watch another video, I'm not squeamish about that, but thought some people might be.
We toured the hospital, saw the labor, delivery and recovery room. I inspected the room, the bed, bathroom, closets and television trying to familiarize myself with those surrounds knowing the next time I am in there it will be to meet my baby. We saw the room where we will go after recovery, the nursery where she will get the APGAR test and the nurses' stations. The whole experience helped me feel more at ease after viewing and imagining everything taking place, it wasn't eye opening, but I wouldn't say it was a waste.

What do you do to calm your anxiety?
That's great that you got to familiarize yourself! I think that's so important, so you're not shoved into a weird situation. I'm glad you got to go there together!