

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This blog should have been started June 12, 2010 when I made the move from my hometown New Berlin, WI all the way to Fishers, IN. I say all the way like it was a far trip, but I have never lived outside the greater Milwaukee area. I have lived in three towns - Milwaukee, New Berlin, West Allis.

At 26 years of age my mother thought it be best for me to meet a man. I opted for Match, mom paid, I guess she was desperate. One month later, wouldn't you know, I met a fabulous guy. Two months later, he got promoted which included relocation to Indy. Not wanting to regret losing love, we decided I would move to Indy, once I found a great job in this wonderful city!

March 31st all that changed. We learned we were going to become parents. Instead of seeking my dream job, we decided I would move out of my apartment and stay with my Aunt and Uncle in Milwaukee for a little bit. I would work, save money and then, I would move June 12 letting God take it from there. A week and a half after my arrival, I was lucky enough to get a temp job in downtown Indy working full time and have been here since.

If you're wondering what this blog is going to be about... umm, I don't really know. A journal of my moving, pregnancy, fears, dreams, thoughts. It's been quite a ride and I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm doing something with my life, exactly what that thing is I haven't quite figured out yet, maybe you'll let me know what it is. I followed my heart and here I am!


  1. Yay first comment! I think your blog is going to be really, really interesting. I'm the product of an unplanned pregnancy (although my parents did not stay together) so I'd love to hear how you're handling it from the "other side" of things (other side meaning you're the parent, not the child.) I dunno, maybe it will give me some insight about how my mom dealt with her pregnancy (I've never asked.) Anyway, I can't wait to read more!!

  2. Yesss! This is such a unique, fun, uplifting story! Can't wait to keep reading!

    ps- GO TO MEIJER!!! You and baby will thank you. Promise.
