

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

Hey dear Readers! My fellow prego, the awesome, Stephanie at This Casita honored me along with some other great bloggers the Versatile Blogger Award! I love getting awards, although I don't feel I have been to versatile (I haven't done recipes or remodeling and STILL have to purchase a new-old memory card for our camera), but the thought is much appreciated! So I am to tell you 7 things you don't/might not know about me, without further ado:

- I know LOTS of song lyrics, like tons, everything from Aerosmith to Frank Sinatra to Phil Collins to Eminem. I spent lots of time listening to music growing up. I love relaxing and listening to music, D is not too big of a fan, but he's getting into it.

- I have a bathroom phobia. When I was a little girl, I got ring worm on my rear end. I heard the doc telling my mom it was from using public toilets and that was the end for me! I wouldn't use the bathroom at all during the school, the teachers were always calling my mom because I didn't go to bathroom breaks, I held it in. Any bathroom that was not "my" bathroom was out of the question. Since pregnancy, this issue has been a non-issue (when you gotta go, you gotta go), but I wouldn't say I'm cured. I have never gotten a bladder infection from this, I have a bladder of steal!

- Port-a-potty's are OUT of the question! I hadn't stepped foot in a Port-a-potty for nearly 20 years, but broke that two years ago because my nephew had to go and he couldn't reach the bowl. If he wasn't so gosh darn cute, I wouldn't have broke my streak.

- I skipped Kindergarten. Graduated high school when I was 17 1/2! Take that!

- I was born on Elvis's birthday day, coincidentally, my dad was born the same date of Elvis's death. Do you know what those are?

- Since about August, I spend the majority of my day with at least one hand on my belly. I love feeling baby move! Love love love it! I mean people told me it was cool, but they didn't tell me it was THIS cool!!! I'm growing a human! Nearly 34 weeks later I am still amazed at that.

- I'm a horrible liar, like really bad. I could maybe get away with lying if it wasn't to your face, but if I had to straight up lie to your face, you would probably know or I would break down and admit it. It's a blessing and curse!

Some gals that are more than worthy of receiving this award include: - Funny, wonderful, insightful housewife in CA to boot! - A strong, smart military wife with some awesome recipes! - She just got a great new design and is a sweetheart, also includes melt-worthy pictures of her adorable pugs! - who is now Mrs! - and another fellow prego, an inspirational woman and story.

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