

Thursday, October 7, 2010

If I could write a letter to me...

I've been having a lot of thoughts and feelings, but getting those on my blog seems like a jumbled mess, I start on one topic and then go to something totally different. 8 more weeks (more or less) and I will meet this tiny baby who as of late has been making me uncomfortable, while continuing to make me laugh and blow my mind that my body has created a human being.

One of my favoritest mommy bloggers, Melissa at Dear Baby was recently inspired to write a letter to her former self prior to becoming a mother, you can read about it here. You may want to have a whole box of tissue handy while reading this woman's blog, she is so kind, loving and hopeful for her daughter,husband, family and friends and personally inspires me to remember it is the small things in life that are most important and she has GREAT style sense!

I encourage each of you to think about what you would write to you regardless of where you are in life, please feel free to share in the comments section of mine or Melissa's blog. Although I have not yet given birth, this experience has changed me and without further ado I present you with my letter to me.

Dear Me,

You are too excited thinking of what you're going to dress up for Halloween to even think about it now, but soon you will meet a great man. You will have no idea the effect he will have on your life or that this time next year you will be Indianapolis expecting your first child together. The next year is going to be filled with so many ups and downs, but you will be a better person for it and it will forever change you.

You are going to work through many of your insecurities and worries, this man will help you with those things, he will hold you and talk to you and look at you and you will know that what he says is true. He will not be perfect, he will have his faults, you will be far from perfect also. You will embarrass yourself and show him your vulnerable side and your ugly, but he will come back, he will come to your window in the cold winter night wanting, needing to be with you. He will tell you you are his lobster.

You will not have a problem getting pregnant and live without morning sickness, you will be away from him those first months. That will break you enough. Everything you have known the past 27 years will change, you will be less judgemental. You won't live happily ever after. You will worry, be anxious, wonder how you'll make it, you'll doubt your decisions and when you think you've realized you've made a huge mistake, you'll talk with this man. You'll be careful, you'll be cautious, you'll be open. You'll really know that you have your family's and friends' support.

The rest has yet to be written. You'll cry when you hear songs on the radio, see that car commercial with the little girl, watch people give birth on tv, and even while picking out your mother's birthday card. You'll dream of big things for your baby girl, bigger than you ever dreamt for yourself, in 8 short weeks your life will change more than you or I could imagine. You're ready for this, you will be great at this, it's all part of His plan.

Stay Tuned,


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