

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just wanted to pop in and say "hi" quickly! I'm working on putting together some regular posts. Tonight, D and I are going to take a CPR class, it worked out really nice for us as the building I work in is having the instructor come to our work. I would like to urge each and every one of you to take a class.

We hope to never ever have to use it, but after reading Kelly's story I knew I must take the class. Please, if you have not, at least consider taking a class sooner than later. Knowing that I could potentially save one life makes it worth it for me!

That's my public service announcement for the day!

In other news, we have a crib in a room... the future nursery, my baby shower is approaching and I am excited to get everything washed and ready! Make a trip or 8 to Babies R' Us (for real, I had to go to Walmart a bunch of times for forgetting stupid things when I moved into my apartment even WITH a list) and then play the waiting game.

Our little girl is growing so strong, her newest "trick" is scooting her butt up on the right and moving her legs along the left side of my ribcage! She spent the weekend in my ribs, but I still wouldn't trade it for the world!

Hope you all have a great Tuesday! Check out Kelly's blog, try not to hate her too much for looking so fabulous after having her handsome ACE man then find a CPR class near you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled to hear that you took a CPR class! I do home that you never have to use it.
