

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I want my readers back, readers back, readers back

Hi there, been so long! So much has been happening and still so little has been happening. Most exciting news we have is we got an offer accepted on house here in Indy! I've joined the Y in hopes of losing that extra weight I gained from not nursing. I got a job that didn't turn out so awesome, but then got a new job that will allow me to blog again! For 13 uninterrupted hours a week, I get to be me again, well, a working me again, but it's a slow time of the year so I get to blog! It's a pretty cool gig. My girl turned one and is a monster! It's funny, I thought I had so much to say and so much to write, but then I got my chance and it's a whole lot of nothing. So, for now, I just want to welcome you back and hopefully I'll have what it takes to be a blog of substance once again!

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