

Sunday, December 11, 2011

How do YOU do it?

Excuse me, but I need to get personal, very private... After Grace took her first limo ride (to pick you the babysitter nonetheless, in a "Desperate Housewives" kind of move).

We enjoyed the rest of the weekend, with one exception... The screaming, whiney, kid at the restaurant.

I felt my blood boiling over. You know that thought that crosses your mind "if that were MY kid..." I was a little hungover, as we FINALLY had a babysitter and yours truly enjoyed my new found (not bfing anymore) freedom enjoying a couple two, three, seven, eight, nine dirty martinis the previous night (we did have a limo to drive us home).

The majority of "mom blogs" I read still have sweet angel babies from the heavens, the few others with older children, well, apparently their kids don't ever misbehave in public, or they never blog about that.

Hypothetically we can say "I will never yada yada yada" or "I would just yada yada yada," but I'm looking for real true life experiences. Do you just leave every.single.event anytime your child is in the throws of a temper tantrum? Do you spank them? Do you find a place for timeout? Do you do none of the above and have another tried and true method when dealing with a screaming, whiney child?

Please discuss.

1 comment:

  1. So you were in a restaurant and someone else's kid was throwing a fit? I just want to make sure I'm clear on what happened.

    I become VERY irritated at parents who let their kids throw a fit in a public place and do nothing about it. Let your child behave like that at home if you want, but it's inappropriate in a public place.

    First of all, strangers shouldn't have to be subjected to your whiny, bawling child. If I'm in a restaurant for a nice meal, it's not fair that it be ruined by a child throwing a temper tantrum. Secondly, by allowing a kid to behave like that, you're teaching him that it's okay when in fact, it isn't.

    When my son was little, I can recall only one time when he threw a bad fit in a public setting. After 3 or 4 minutes I realized it wasn't going to get better, so I picked him and we left. By doing that, I didn't force the other diners to endure his tantrum, and he learned that throwing a fit wouldn't be tolerated. Like I said, it's the only time it ever happened.

    I was taking my son out in public from the time he was 2 weeks old when he went to his first movie in a theater. Of course he was tiny and slept through it. But I firmly believe that because I had him out and about from an early age, he was comfortable with it and we never had behavioral issues with him. I was really blessed!
