If you follow me on twitter you know about my love affair with feeling baby move inside of me. Once she really got to moving I had to yell at my sister and tell her she never told me it was THIS cool. She just laughed and said "you can't really describe it." And, (shh, don't tell her) she was right!
I'm 29 weeks now and feeling all kinds of wiggles, kicks, jabs, rubs, jumps and who knows what else. I wish I had a see through tummy to watch my girl as learns to practice breathe, suck her thumb, blink her eyes, and move her little body all through my womb. I spend much of my day with at least one hand on my belly, sometimes being filled with so much happyness (yes, I spelled it with a y on purpose) I think I might explode.
A couple times, I've been shocked and a little sickened by what my hand just felt move around in belly, I know it's my baby, but when she kicks and then rubs her leg hard against my tummy, it's odd, weird and makes me think of this:

I know my baby is not an alien (D still questions it from time to time), we have proof:

Ladies who haven't had babies, don't say I didn't warn you... Don't be alarmed though. I see some movement under my skin, but not much and if you're not looking, staring like I do you'll miss it, but that is coming too!
This "alien" feeling is rather new, she's getting stronger and more active everyday, I still love it, I love knowing that I am growing a human (Que the Superman music)! Most important is knowing I'm growing a healthy human. I'm glad, I'm blessed, I'm going to be a mama!
I have a very...active tummy to begin with, so hopefully when there is a baby in there I'll be at least a little bit prepared for random pokes and strange feelings.
ReplyDeleteAlso, can I just admit right here that I can NEVER see a baby in ultrasound photos. Like, I'm sure that is your baby and I'm sure she will be gorgeous, but I just cannot see a human in that picture. My friends show me ultrasound pics and I have to just smile, nod and trust what they're telling me. It's embarrassing lol.
I'm with Em... ultrasounds tend to be like Magic Eyes to me where I pretend to see "the boat" (aka, baby) but really can't!
ReplyDeleteAnd this is SO COOL to read... I haven't had any preggo friends ever (congrats... you're #1) so I never hear any of this stuff.
That's super cool. I can't even imagine what that feels like...both the baby moving and the feeling of being a proud momma. It all sounds very cool. :)