28 years ago this past Saturday, this birthday was a lot different than the past 27 years in that I had my baby! Instead of a birthday cake, I used up one of my diaper cakes from my shower. It differed from the last 10 years in that I didn't get one.single.birthday.shot. and I was okay with that.
My BFF and her hubby were going to come down from Wisconsin to meet my daughter and celebrate my birthday. We've celebrated as long as we've been friends, over 5 years now. She called me Friday afternoon and told me her mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer.
Cancer sucks.
My 28th year celebration wasn't about me, it was about her. She has been like a second mom to me, I think of conversations we have had, her strong faith and I know I am a better person for having her in my life. This has brought many people closer to God. I have spent a lot of time this weekend thinking about how He does things according to His plan, not ours.
Anyway, I will show you all the nursery you've been dying to see this week. I was going to type it up Friday, but with the news, I hope you understand.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! And I am thinking of your friend's mom... what a horrible thing for all of you to deal with.