My babe is not a fan of tummy time. Even though she is protesting in this picture, this is a fav of mine. It's important to remember mommyhood is not all puppies and sunshine, it's mostly puppies and sunshine but not all.
Wednesday, she will be three months old. I don't know where the time went, but it flew by. I have been getting more motivated to finish her nursery since she's running out of room in her bassinet, I hear her hitting the sides more and more while she sleeps waking her and me. She still is sleeping like a champ though.
I know I haven't really blogged a whole lot, last week we had a couple of "nice" days and I took Grace for a few walks and cleaned out my messy car. My beloved Bird died, he was 16 and cockatiels live to be 15-18. My aunt and cousin came down for a visit, we walked around downtown, but mostly we stayed in and played with the babe. She's smiling and cooing a lot lately. I put her newborn clothes away except for some onesie's that still might fit if I ever put them on her (I'm loving the zip-up sleepers right now and since we really don't go anywhere or do a whole lot, they work great and are so simple). I finally got an electric pump and was amazed at what I was missing out on! Definitely worth the money. Grace sat in her bumbo for the first time (I put a blankie and pillow around her to support her neck), she's much more interested in being where she can see the action instead of counting dots on the ceiling.
That's all I've got friends. I am looking forward to a weekend with just the three of us we haven't had one of those for a few weeks with me being in Milwaukee, my parents coming down then my aunt and cousin coming down. Hope you all are doing well!
Glad things are going well. Good to know I'll survive. ;) Sunday's high should be 54!!! I can't wait!!!