Hi all, sorry for the lack of posts. I went home to Milwaukee two weekends ago, not a planned trip by any means. Sadly, my bff's mother passed away from the stomach cancer we learned about one day before my birthday. She was a true angel on earth and will be forever missed. I last saw her at my baby shower and when I spoke to her 3 weeks ago, she was so excited to meet baby Grace. I think she met her, because the morning I learned of her passing, little Grace was the smiliest I've seen her. I know Erin is with the Lord, she is back with her Father, but I am so sad to see such a beautiful person's life end so shortly.
I had this fear of traveling with the baby and am happy to report, she did so well on the drive to Milwaukee. It's about 5 hours from my house to my parents house and little Grace snoozed nearly the whole way there. She was waking up a bit when I had to slow down for the tolls in Illinois, but once we were off, she'd doze.
Upon our arrival to the greater Milwaukee area, we stopped at my cousin's house so I could feed the baby (I didn't want to stop at a dirty truck stop) and surprisingly, she wasn't screaming her head off. She met her fur-cousins who sniffed the heck out of her and apparently "good dog" means "jump on my lap even though I'm holding my sweet baby." I was not above hurting the dogs if they hurt my baby, no animals or babies were harmed.
The funeral was on Friday in Appleton, another 2 hour drive. I thought baby Grace was thinking she'd be forever stuck in her car seat in a car, but she was a good sport about it. Afterwards, we went to a pub and thankfully she did not enjoy her first bar experience. It's amazing how you think the world changes after having a baby, there still aren't baby changing stations in a bar bathroom, this mom thought there would be, I don't know why. There never had been in any of the bars I frequented and I probably would have thought badly about mothers bringing babies to bars, but that's what happens when you're a mommy, you get jaded and think now that I have a baby the world should just be convenient for mommies with babies.
I had my aunts, cousins and friends over to meet Grace. It was a fun day and Grace really does love her mommy, I wouldn't say she had "stranger danger" yet, but it proved that Grace hears, looks and wants me. I need to get her out more.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday... Oh Packers how I love thee! Congratulations on a terrific season! Before the big game, Grace got to meet her cousin Reese (she's 10 weeks older). Grace was frustrated Reese could hold her head up, roll and almost sit by herself. Reese was jealous of Grace's long locks.
We cuddled and snuggled and spent time with Grandma and Grandpa. My friend Laurie and her daughter Isabelle stopped by for a quick visit.
We left Tuesday morning.
3 hours after getting into our trip ONE of my worst fears came true. Driving down 65 South, just outside of Gary, a silver minivan was driving north in the southbound lane. Now this wasn't a "OMG, I'm on the wrong side of the hwy" situation, this was a "I have a death wish and want to take as many people as I can with me" situation. Thankfully, Grace had woken up and I was in the right hand lane to exit the highway and stop to feed her. The driver had caused an accident and both sides of the highway were closed, I pray no one was injured. In my 12 years of driving I have never ever seen anything like that and the rest of the trip home I would not pass a vehicle until we were on a straight path and I could see no vehicles were driving towards me.
And as for the title, today I got a coconut filled one and then a yummy chocolate filled one! Lastly, what you really came here for - a picture of the baby.